Month: July 2016

Golden Days Commentary – Volume 1

I’m not sure what you might call this: a commentary, analysis, a reader’s guide, or some kind of super-long review, perhaps? Even after finishing up the scanlation, I just can’t seem to stop wanting to write more about Golden Days. So I’ll be going through each volume and writing about the characters, plot and symbolism within this manga. Kind of like literary criticism, but without the college professors and pretentiousness. It’s going to float around a bit more, as my thoughts can be a bit muddled at times. If you’re interested, please read along. This post contains my thoughts about the first volume.

I guess my English minor has come to some use after all…

I should mention that this commentary will assume that you have already read Golden Days by Takao Shigeru. So unless you want to be spoiled, you might want to finish it first.
